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Figure 2 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 2

From: Optimal enumeration of state space of finitely buffered stochastic molecular networks and exact computation of steady state landscape probability

Figure 2

The steady state landscape probability distributions of a self-regulating gene network. The probability over the number of free protein is plotted. Here this probability is the sum of probabilities for two different gene binding states (bound and unbound) at the same number of free proteins. When the unbound/on state synthesis rate s1 is greater, the network is self-repressing. When the bound/off synthesis rate s0 is greater, the network is self-activating. Although the self-repressing (front profile) and the self-activating (back profile) genes have overall similar distributions, the former has a slightly higher probability in producing more free proteins than the latter. When both synthesis rates are equal (middle profile), the network follows a simple birth/death process, with a Gaussian probability distribution.

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