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Figure 5 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 5

From: Detecting coordinated regulation of multi-protein complexes using logic analysis of gene expression

Figure 5

Heat maps of examples of triplets of protein complexes predicted to have coordinated regulation obey the AND function. Each heat map represents the mRNA expression level of the subunits of the three complexes, represented by consensus vectors (gene names appear on the right hand of the heat map). On top of each heat map is the number of gene triplets mapped to the same set of complexes and the significance of observing this by chance. The x-axis in the heat map indicates the different experiments involved in the analysis, which were optimally ordered for visualization of the logic relationship (these appear in the outlined rectangle). The subsets of stress conditions in which the transcription of all three complexes is coordinately regulated: (A) variable temperature shocks, amino-acid starvation, and stationary state long term, (B) heat shock, hydrogen peroxide, nitrogen depletion, diauxic shift (shift from anaerobic fermentation of glucose to aerobic respiration of ethanol), and stationary phase long term (in which the yeast cell's cell-cycle and growth are stopped), (C) heat shock, variable temperature shocks and stationary phase long term.

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