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Figure 4 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 4

From: mRNA stability and the unfolding of gene expression in the long-period yeast metabolic cycle

Figure 4

TF regulation versus RBP regulation. Top row: Distribution of the mean correlations for groups of genes having a common DNA motif likely to be the target of a TF [36]. Bottom row: Distribution of the mean correlations for groups of genes having a common mRNA motif likely to be the target of a RNA-binding protein (Yra1, Mex67 [34] or the five Puf proteins [23]) or having a common 3' UTR motif implicated in the stability or in the subcellular localization of the mRNA [22]. The mean correlation of a group of genes is defined as the average of the correlations between the expressions of each gene pair in the group. The mean correlations calculated for all the gene pairs are shown on the left, while on the right only the periodic genes of each group are considered.

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