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Figure 10 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 10

From: Specialized or flexible feed-forward loop motifs: a question of topology

Figure 10

Possible dynamics of C1 in a geometrical scenario with two crossing between nullclines. The phase space can be divided in three different regions I, II and III delimited by the crossings between nullclines. Figures (a) and (b) have the same qualitative relations between parameters, i.e.. ϕX = 0<ϕX > 0, and hence a single dynamics G+ can emerge. Figures (c) and (d) show the two possible scenarios ϕX = 0<ϕX > 0and ϕX = 0> ϕX > 0, providing P-(T+) and P-(T-) dynamics respectively. Note that in (a) and (b) the location of ϕX = 0determines the dynamics independently of the location of ϕX > 0. However, scenario (c) constraints the locations of ϕX > 0to the region II. Finally, scenario (d) can be found with ϕX > 0located in region II or III. The insets represent the corresponding time courses.

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