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Figure 2 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 2

From: Increased entropy of signal transduction in the cancer metastasis phenotype

Figure 2

Local entropy is increased in metastatic breast cancer. A) Comparison of local entropies for the 1903 proteins with degrees ≥ 10 between the non-metastatic, metastatic and random weighted networks. The entropies in the metastatic network exhibit significantly higher values than those in the non-metastatic network: P-value given is from a one-tailed paired Wilcoxon rank sum test. Both non-metastatic and metastatic networks show significantly lower entropies than those of a purely random network obtained by randomisation of expression profiles. B) Differential entropy values (metastatic minus non-metastatic) are significantly greater than zero for 10 different choices of non-metastatic networks obtained by bootstrapping samples. One-tailed paired Wilcoxon rank sum test P-values are given. C) The expected variation in differential entropy under the null distribution against node degree. The green-line is a non-linear least squares fit of a power-law function of the form a/kb where k is the node degree. Estimated parameter values are â = 0.0086; = 0.08411. D) Histogram of P-values of genes (nodes). P-values were estimated by comparing observed differential entropy values to those expected under the null using the variance estimates from C).

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