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Figure 3 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 3

From: An organogenesis network-based comparative transcriptome analysis for understanding early human development in vivo and in vitro

Figure 3

The hORGNet-based characterization of the relationships between early human organogenesis and an SHhES1-derived EB model. (A) GSEA of the hORGNet (in red) and its two modules, the hStemModule (in green) and hDiffModule (in blue) for time-course transcriptome data from SHhES1-derived EBs at days 8, 13 and 18. Each graph shows the distribution pattern of a gene set over the ranked gent list, together with statistics report (i.e., NES and FDR). (B) The PCA of the expression matrix of genes in the hORGNet across the SHhES1-relevant EB models and early human organogenesis. The solid line denotes the in vivo developmental trajectory during early human organogenesis, and the dotted line indicates the sustained differentiation process in the SHhES1-derived, in vitro EB model.

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