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Table 1 In silico experiments performed to obtain time series data sets on wild-type cells and deletion mutants by following the token flow through the Petri net of Figure 8a

From: Reconstruction of extended Petri nets from time series data and its application to signal transduction and to gene regulatory networks


Genetic background

Experimental perturbation

Petri net implementation

Exp #1


Addition of organic and inorganic phosphate

token in pi_pp and po_pp

Exp #2


Absence of organic and inorganic phosphate

Petri net as shown in Figure 8

Exp #3


Inhibition of transcription/translation

no token in phoA, token in po_pp

Exp #4


Absence of organic and inorganic phosphate

no token in Pst-P

Exp #5


Addition of organic phosphate

no token in Pst-P, token in po_pp

Exp #6


Addition of organic and inorganic phosphate

no token in Pst-P, token in pi_pp and po_pp

Exp #7

Δ phoU

Absence of organic and inorganic phosphate

no token in PhoU-I

Exp #8

Δ phoR

Absence of organic and inorganic phosphate

no token in PhoR

Exp #9

Δ phoB

Absence of organic and inorganic phosphate

no token in PhoB

Exp #10

phoR Δ Psite

Absence of organic and inorganic phosphate

no token in PhoR-S

Exp #11

phoB Δ Psite

Absence of organic and inorganic phosphate

no token in PhoB-S

  1. For each experiment, the type of experimental perturbation and the implementation of this perturbation in the form of the intitial marking of the Petri net of Figure 8a is indicated. Genetic background column: ΔphoR means that the phoR gene is deleted and that the PhoR protein is absent accordingly, etc. ΔPsite means that the phosphorylation site in the respective protein is deleted, while the protein as such is present.