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Figure 5 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 5

From: Models of sequestration and receptor cross-talk for explaining multiple mutants in plant stem cell regulation

Figure 5

Comparisons of parameter values between the loss-of-function and interference models and strengths between the CLV1 and CRN receptor pathways. A) Parameter sets for the two models and the background distribution presented with the help of a PCA-analysis. The parameter sets are projected on the two largest principal components (E1 and E2). B-E) Distributions of parameter values of parameters highlighted in the analysis step. B-C) Comparing parameter value distributions of parameters k3 (B) and t1 (C) for the loss-of-signal model (black) and the background distribution (gray). D-E) Comparing parameter value distributions of parameters s1 (D) and s2 (E) for the interference model (white) and the background distribution (gray). Axes have log-scale and have ranges [0.23, 12] (B), [0.082, 9.9] (C), [0.24, 9.5] (D), and [0.21, 7.6] (E). Corresponding ROC-curves are presented in each plot with axes ranging from 0 to 1.0. F-H) The parameters k3 and k6 set the strengths of the signals from bound CLV1 and CRN receptors. To compare the strengths of the two receptor pathways we plot each parameter multiplied with respective concentration of bound receptors. The comparison is done for the loss-of-signal model (F), the interference model (G), and the background distribution (H). Number of parameter sets for which the CRN pathway is stronger than the CLV1 pathway: Loss-of-signal - 0 (0%), Interference - 17 (3.2%), Background - 1696 (6.9%).

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