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Table 3 False positive model predictions caused by isozymes or alternate pathways

From: Gap-filling analysis of the iJO1366 Escherichia coli metabolic network reconstruction for discovery of metabolic functions


Isozyme or alternate pathway reactions

thrA (b0002)

metL (b3940) or lysC (b4024)

carA (b0032)

alternate reaction: CBMKr

carB (b0033)

alternate reaction: CBMKr

folA (b0048)

folM (b1606)

can (b0126)

cynT (b0339)

pyrH (b0171)

cmk (b0910)

int (b0657)

lpp (b1677)

fldA (b0684)

fldB (b2895)

fabA (b0954)

fabZ (b0180)

nrdA (b2234)

alternate reactions: RNDR1b, RNDR2b, RNDR3b, RNDR4b

nrdB (b2235)

alternate reactions: RNDR1b, RNDR2b, RNDR3b, RNDR4b

cysK (b2414)

cysM (b2421)

ptsI (b2416)

alternate reaction: GLCt2pp

cysA (b2422)

modA (b0763) + modB (b0764) + modC (b0765)

cysP (b2425)

modA (b0763) + modB (b0764) + modC (b0765)

guaB (b2508)

alternate reaction: XPPT

glyA (b2551)

alternate reaction: GLYCL

acpS (b2563)

acpT (b3475)

serA (b2913)

alternate reaction: GHMT2r

metC (b3008)

tnaA (b3708) or malY (b1622)

aroE (b3281)

ydiB (b1692)

ilvA (b3772)

tdcB (b3117)

metE (b3829)

metH (b4019)

ubiB (b3835)

alternate reaction: OPHHX3

glnA (b3870)

ycjK (b1297)

metL (b3940)

thrL (b0002) or malY (b1622)

ppa (b4226)

ppx (b2502) or surE (b2744)

serB (b4388)

alternate reaction: GHMT2r