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Table 1 Functional enrichment of the eigentranscript identified in the host response kinetics to VN1203

From: Specific mutations in H5N1 mainly impact the magnitude and velocity of the host response in mice

Eigentranscript (No. of molecules)

Bio functions category (functions annotation p-value range)

Canonical pathway ( p-value)

Upstream regulator ( p-value of overlap)

eigentranscript #1 (2706)

Embryonic development (5.55E-11–5.24E-03)

Axonal guidance signaling (8.71E-07)

NKX2-1 (5.35E-13)

Organ development (5.55E-11–5.24E-03)

Basal cell carcinoma signaling (1.82E-05)

PPP3R1 (2.10E-11)

Organismal development (5.55E-11–5.24E-03)

Glutathione-mediated detoxification (6.61E-05)

DMD (1.36E-05)

Tissue development (5.55E-11–5.24E-03)

Xenobiotic metabolism signaling (2.19E-04)

BMP6 (6.45E-05)

Respiratory system development and function (1.19E-10–2.38E-03)

Tryptophan degradation (4.68E-04)

GLI1 (1.38E-04)

eigentranscript #2 (2826)

Cellular function and maintenance (3.38E-55–2.01E-09)

Death receptor signaling (5.01E-09)

LPS* (9.74E-111)

Cellular function and maintenance (3.38E-55–2.01E-09)

Apoptosis signaling (7.94E-09)

IFNG (2.42E-87)

Hematological system development and function (1.34E-51–3.31E-09)

Role of pattern recognition receptors in recognition of bacteria and viruses (1.78E-08)

TNF (8.84E-65)

Tissue morphology (5.34E-51–2.48E-10)

Induction of apoptosis by HIV1 (4.07E-08)

IL1B (1.15E-56)

Cellular growth and proliferation (5.55E-11–5.24E-03)

Protein ubiquitination pathway (4.17E-08)

TP53 (6.72E-55)

eigentranscript #3 (128)

Cell cycle (1.67E-11–1.60E-02)

Pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis I (5.13E-05)

E2F4 (5.42E-12)

Cell cycle (1.67E-11–1.60E-02)

T Cell receptor signaling (1.70E-04)

FOXM1 (1.84E-11)

Cellular development (5.83E-10–1.60E-02)

iCOS-iCOSL signaling in T helper cells (2.69E-04)

CDK4 (1.44E-10)

Hematological system development and function (5.83E-10–1.60E-02)

Mitotic roles of polo-like kinase (4.47E-04)

CDKN1A (1.09E-09)


Hematopoiesis (5.83E-10–1.60E-02)

Regulation of IL-2 expression in activated and anergic T lymphocytes (8.51E-04)

CCND1 (1.66E-09)

  1. For each eigentranscript identified in the kinetics of the host response to H5N1 VN1203 wild-type, the number of correlating transcripts is indicated. For each set of transcript the top 5 associated over-represented biological functions, canonical pathways, and upstream regulators are indicated. Ingenuity pathway analysis was used to determine the top 5 bio function categories, canonical pathways, and upstream regulators. The functions annotation p-value range represents the range of p-values for the functions annotations associated with each bio function category. The p-value of overlap associated for each upstream regulator indicates the significance of the overlap between the genes targeted by the upstream regulator in the IPKB database and the experimental dataset. *Upstream regulators with an apteryx signify a chemical reagent or chemical drug.