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Figure 2 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 2

From: JunD/AP1 regulatory network analysis during macrophage activation in a rat model of crescentic glomerulonephritis

Figure 2

JunD preferred TFBS motifs and its interaction with other TFs. a) JunD primarily recognises two types of motifs: (TPA)-responsive element (TRE; this element has the base sequence TGA[C/G]TCA) and cAMP-responsive element (CRE; this element has the base sequence TGACGTCA). Literature also suggests that JunD is capable of binding conserved TGAC and less conserved TCA motifs as well, and this is often referred to as a half AP-1 binding site. CRE motifs are preferred when JunD forms a heterodimer with the ATF family of transcription factors. b) TFs often interact with other TFs or proteins. It has been shown before that the if two TFs, say TFA and TFB, co-operatively interact with each other than the target gene pairs for the individual TFs are less correlated compared to the gene pairs that contain both TFBS sites. Here we have employed a similar methodology for sequences under the peak to characterise their interactions. We have employed a previously published multivariate hypergeometic test to show the TF interactions within the peak.

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