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Figure 4 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 4

From: Estimation of feasible solution space using Cluster Newton Method: application to pharmacokinetic analysis of irinotecan with physiologically-based pharmacokinetic models

Figure 4

Simulated accumulation time-profiles after parameter estimations and the parameter selections with SS log . Accumulation time-profiles of total irinotecan radioactivity in urine, feces, and biliary T-tubes were simulated using the estimated parameters with CNM for (a) OC and (b) BDC, after the estimation processes with the objective values shown in Table 1c. Blue lines in the upper and lower panels represent the simulated time-profiles with all the estimated parameter sets and the parameter sets with three lowest SSlog values. Pink circles represent the observed time-profiles. Distributions of parameters to estimate at the final iterations were displayed for all the parameter sets (blue) and the parameter sets with three lowest SSlog values (green) for (c) OC and (d) BDC. Overlapped areas are represented in orange. Normalized values with the initial ranges in log-scale are displayed for the parameters to estimate. BDC, bile-duct cancer patients; OC, other cancer patients; SSlog, sum of squares of log residuals.

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