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Figure 3 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 3

From: Two-layer modular analysis of gene and protein networks in breast cancer

Figure 3

Two layer network analysis of GO:MF for West dataset. Inner circle shows the coarse grained gene modules while each of the outer sector represent the protein module corresponding to each gene module. Each submodule in the protein module is highlighted by different color and three digit number indicates the functional class description of each group of proteins. Functional clusters are shown in the right, contains function id (#Id), GO term followed by the depth in the GO hierarchy in brackets, number of groups (#G), and also number of proteins (#P) contained in each specific GO:MF term. First term in each cluster represents the cluster description. Detailed description of each cluster is discussed in the bottom panel. Disc, ring, and rhombus represents, GO:MF terms have already been reported in literature, newly reported GO terms and cluster component not reported in our analysis (shown with symbol ‘+’), respectively.

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