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Table 1 Mapping between subalgorithms employed by Algorithm ?? and OpenCV functions

From: Automatic validation of computational models using pseudo-3D spatio-temporal model checking

Subalgorithm signature

OpenCV function signature

ChangeBrightnessAndContrast(image, alpha, beta)

convertTo(image, -1, alpha, beta)

MorphologicalCloseOperation(image, morphCloseNrOfIter)

morphologyEx(image, outputImage, MORPH_CLOSE, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), morphCloseNrOfIter)

GaussianBlur(image, kernelSize, standardDev)

GaussianBlur(image, outputImage, kernelSize, standardDev)

Threshold(image, thresholdValue)

threshold(image, outputImage, thresholdValue, 255 THRESH_BINARY)

DetectAndApproximateContours(image, approximationLevel)

findContours(image, contours, contoursHierarchy, CV_ RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, Point())


approxPolyDP(image, outputImage, approximationLevel, true)

  1. The left column describes the signature of the subalgorithms employed by Algorithm ??. The right column describes the signature of the corresponding OpenCV function(s).