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Table 2 Update rules of model species and supporting literature citations

From: Iron acquisition and oxidative stress response in aspergillus fumigatus

Update rules

Literature support

1 hapX(t+1) = NOT SreA

Transcription of hapX is repressed by SreA [13,29].

2 sreA(t+1) = NOT HapX

Transcription of sreA is repressed by HapX [13,29].

3 HapX(t+1) =hapX AND (NOT LIP)

An ortholog of HapX is inactivated by intracellular iron [58].

4 SreA(t+1) =sreA AND LIP

An ortholog of SreA is activated by intracellular iron [59,60].

5 RIA(t+1) = NOT SreA

SreA transcriptionally represses RIA genes [13].

6 EstB(t+1) = NOT SreA

SreA transcriptionally represses estB [13].

7 MirB(t+1) = HapX AND (NOT SreA)

HapX transcriptionally activates mirB [29]. SreA transcriptionally represses mirB [13].

8 SidA(t+1) = HapX AND (NOT SreA)

HapX up regulates the SidA substrate ornithine [29]. SreA transcriptionally represses sidA [13].

9 TAFC(t+1) = SidA

SidA catalyzes the first step in siderophore biosynthesis [5,8]

10 ICP(t+1) = (NOT HapX) AND (VAC OR FC +Fe)

HapX represses consumption of intracellular iron [29].

11 LIP(t+1) = (TAFC AND MirB AND EstB) OR (Iron AND RIA)

TAFC sequesters iron from the extracellular space [8]. MirB imports ferri-TAFC [54]. EstB


degrades ferri-TAFC bonds and releases free iron [55]. RIA compensates for a lack of


siderophores when grown in high iron media [33].

12 CccA(t+1) = NOT HapX

HapX transcriptionally represses cccA [29].

13 FC −Fe(t+1) = SidA

SidA catalyzes the first step in siderophore biosynthesis [5,8]

14 FC +Fe(t+1) = LIP AND FC −Fe

FC is involved in intracellular iron storage [14,49].

15 VAC(t+1) = LIP AND CccA

CccA mediates import of intracellular iron into the vacuole [56].

16 ROS(t+1) = LIP OR

Elevated free iron levels catalyze the formation of ROS [63].

\(\left ({\vphantom {\sum \limits ^{1}_{1}}}\; \text {Superoxide AND}\; \left ({\vphantom {\frac {\sum }{\sum }}}\; \text {NOT (SOD3 AND ThP AND Cat1/2)}\; \right)\; \right)\) OR

SODs convert O\(_{2}^{-}\) to H 2 O 2 [20]. Either catalases or thioredoxin

\(\left ({\vphantom {\sum \limits ^{1}_{1}}}\; \text {ROS AND} \left ({\vphantom {\frac {\sum }{\sum }}}\; \text {NOT} \left ({\vphantom {\frac {1}{2}}}\; \text {SOD3 AND (ThP OR Cat1/2)}\; \right)\; \right)\; \right)\)

convert H 2 O 2 to non-reactive H 2O [9,64].

17 Yap1(t+1) = ROS

Yap-1 is activated by superoxide [61,62].

18 SOD2/3(t+1) = Yap1

Yap-1 activates transcription of sod2/3 [61].

19 Cat1/2(t+1) = Yap1 AND (NOT HapX)

Yap-1 activates transcription of cat1/2 [61]. HapX transcriptionally represses cat1 [29].

20 ThP(t+1) = Yap1

Yap-1 activates transcription of thioredoxin peroxidases [61].

21 Iron(t+1) = Iron

External parameter.

22 Superoxide(t+1) = Superoxide [ = NOT Superoxide, Figure 5 only]

External parameter.

  1. Species that appear on the right side of the = represent states at time t.