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Fig. 14 | BMC Systems Biology

Fig. 14

From: Validation and selection of ODE based systems biology models: how to arrive at more reliable decisions

Fig. 14

Comparison of model separation by the two schemes. Each pie chart shows the percentage of correct decisions, where the model separation achieved by a certain scheme is better than the other scheme. The labels on the x-axis show the specific dose and the cell type of the data on which the validation was performed. Gray and yellow colors in the charts refer to the lowest and the highest dose schemes. Here, only the twelve validation subsets which could be used in both the lowest and the highest schemes are shown. For example, when the 0.1 M. Sln1 data was used for validation, in 99 % of the realizations in which a correct decision was given by both schemes, higher distance between the predictions of the true and the simplified model structures was achieved in the highest dose scheme than the lowest dose scheme

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