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Fig. 4 | BMC Systems Biology

Fig. 4

From: Estimating cell diffusivity and cell proliferation rate by interpreting IncuCyte ZOOM™ assay data using the Fisher-Kolmogorov model

Fig. 4

a-d Indicate the area of remaining vacant space, A(t), as determined by the edge detection algorithm at a 0, b 10, c 20, and d 30 h for the control assay. The position of the detected leading edge is given in green. The straight vertical lines superimposed on a (white) indicate the average width of the scratch, 2L E (t). Scale bar corresponds to 300 μm. e Average L E (t) data estimated from the control assay experimental images (blue). The error bars correspond to one standard deviation about the mean. Numerical L E (t) data (red), corresponding to the numerical solution of Eq. (4) using the relevant estimates of D, λ and K (Table 1). (f) Evolution of C(x,t) profiles at t=0, 10, 20, 30 h corresponding to the numerical solution of Eq. (4) using the relevant estimates of D, λ and K (Table 1). Arrows indicate the direction of increasing time. Numerical solutions of Eq. (4) correspond to δ x=1μm, δ t=0.1 h and ε=1×10−6. The vertical lines show the locations of the subregions where the estimates of λ and K were obtained

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