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Fig. 3 | BMC Systems Biology

Fig. 3

From: Logical-continuous modelling of post-translationally regulated bistability of curli fiber expression in Escherichia coli

Fig. 3

Distribution of sampled parameters along with reference parameter values from the literature. Parameter distributions were obtained using rejection sampling where, if possible, the bounds of the proposal distribution were obtained from the literature (see Table 2) and are outlined by blue boxes. In addition, the empirical means of each parameter are shown (red crosses). The first eight parameters on the x-axis have units molecules, the following six parameters have units molecules /s. The individual values of each parameter set are provided in the Additional file 3. For a comparison, experimentally measured values of similar parameters are depicted, if available (triangles). Following parameter pairs are indicated for comparison (model parameter/parameter from literature): 1. YdaMtot/Amount of DgcA in E. coli ≈490 molecules, obtained from [37] and normalised by the dry weight of the cell obtained from the Bionumbers database, BNID 100009 [52]. 2. \(K_{i}^{\text {YegE}}\)/ K i of DgcA ≈1000 molecules, obtained from [37] and normalised by the volume of E. coli cells. 3. \(K_{m}^{\text {YhjH}}\)/ K m of the PDE-enzyme CC3396 from Caulobacter crescentus ≈420 molecules, obtained from [49] 4. \(K_{m}^{\text {YciR}}\)/estimated maximal K m of YciR ≈1000 molecules, obtained from [50], page. 103 and normalised by the volume of E. coli cells. 5. V max1 of YegE/ V max of DgcA ≈22 s −1 obtained from [37] and normalised by the amount of DgcA proteins and by the dry weight of the cell. 6. V max2 of YhjH/ V max of the PDE-enzyme CC3396 from Caulobacter crescentus ≈937 s −1 obtained from [49] and normalised by the dry weight of the cell. Note that the Hill parameter was fixed at n=4 (see text for explanation) and the parameters c 6 and c 8 were fixed at the value 10 s −1 due to structural non-identifiability w.r.t parameters k YciRde and k YdaMde, respectively

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