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Fig. 5 | BMC Systems Biology

Fig. 5

From: Challenges in horizontal model integration

Fig. 5

Integration example. Upper part: model obtained by integrating two models described in [10] (available in the BioModels Database as B I O M D0000000262 and B I O M D0000000263; the diagram is adopted from [10]). Green box: elements coming from EGF model alone; blue box: elements coming from NGF model alone; red box: elements coming from both models (overlap). For the non-overlapping model parts parameter values and initial concentrations are taken from the original models. For the overlap parameter values and initial concentrations of the EGF model have been chosen. Lower part: Simulation results. Simulations describe stimulation with different EGF and NGF concentrations, colors represent input concentrations (left). First column: simulation of the EGF model, second column: the same outputs obtained from the integrated model. As expected EGF model and integrated model yield very similar simulation results. Third column: simulation of the NGF model, fourth column: the same outputs obtained from the integrated model. Here simulation results differ wildly

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