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Table 2 Parameters’ description and value

From: Mathematical model on Alzheimer’s disease





Diffusion coefficient of A βO

4.32×10−2 c m 2 day −1 estimated


Diffusion coefficient of HMGB-1

8.11×10−2 c m 2 day −1 estimated

\(D_{T_{\alpha }}\)

Diffusion coefficient for TNF- α

6.55×10−2 c m 2 day −1 estimated

\(d_{T_{\beta }}\)

Diffusion coefficient of TGF- β

6.55×10−2 c m 2 day −1 estimated


Diffusion coefficient of IL-10

6.04×10−2 c m 2 day −1 estimated


Diffusion coefficient of MCP-1

1.2×10−1 c m 2 day −1 estimated

\(\lambda _{\beta }^{i} \)

Production rate of \(A_{\beta }^{i}\)

9.51×10−6 g/ml/day estimated

λ N

Production rate of \(A_{\beta }^{o}\) by neuron

8×10−9 g/ml/day estimated

λ A

Production rate of \(A_{\beta }^{o}\) by astrocytes

8×10−10 g/ml/day estimated

λ τ0

Production rate of tau proteins in health

8.1×10−11 g/ml/day estimated

λ τ

Production rate of tau proteins by ROS

1.35×10−11 g/ml estimated

λ F

Production rate of NFT by tau

1.662×10−3/day estimated

\(\lambda _{AT_{\alpha }}\)

Production/activation rate of astrocytes by TNF- α

1.54/day estimated

\(\lambda _{AA_{\beta }^{o}}\)

Production/activation rate of astrocytes by \(A_{\beta }^{o}\)

1.793/day estimated

\(\lambda _{A_{O}}\)

Production rate of A βO

5×10−2/day estimated

λ H

Production rate of HMGB-1

3×10−5/day estimated

λ MF

Production/activation rate of microglias by NFT

2×10−2/day estimated

λ MA

Production/activation rate of microglias by astrocytes

2.3×10−3/day estimated

\(\lambda _{M1T_{\beta }}\)

Rate of M 1M 2

6×10−3/day estimated

\(\lambda _{\hat {M}_{1}T_{\beta }}\)

Rate of \(\hat {M}_{1}\rightarrow \hat {M}_{2}\)

6×10−4/day estimated

\(\lambda _{T_{\beta } M}\)

Production rate of TGF- β by M

1.5×10−2 day −1 [56, 99]

\(\lambda _{T_{\beta }\hat {M}}\)

Production rate of TGF- β by \(\hat {M}\)

1.5×10−2 day −1 [56, 99]

\(\lambda _{T_{\alpha } M1}\)

Production rate of TNF- α by M 1

3×10−2 day −1 estimated

\(\lambda _{T_{\alpha } \hat {M}_{1}}\)

Production rate of TNF- α by \(\hat {M}_{1}\)

3×10−2 day −1 estimated

\(\lambda _{I_{10}M_{2}}\)

Production rate of IL-10 by M 2

6.67×10−3 day −1 [47, 90]

\(\lambda _{I_{10}\hat {M}_{2}}\)

Production rate of IL-10 by \(\hat {M}_{2}\)

6.67×10−3 day −1 [47, 90]

λ PA

Production rate of MCP-1 by astrocytes

6.6×10−8 day −1 estimated

\(\lambda _{PM_{2}}\)

Production rate of MCP-1 by M 2

1.32×10−7 day −1 estimated


M 2/M 1 effectivity in clearance of \(A_{\beta }^{o}\)

0.9 estimated


Flux rate of macrophages

5 estimated


Proinflammatory/anti-inflammatory ratio

10 estimated


I 10 inhibition ratio

1 estimated