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Table 5 The FLCD algorithm

From: Finding low-conductance sets with dense interactions (FLCD) for better protein complex prediction

Algorithm: The FLCD Algorithm

Input: \(\mathcal {S} = V\) and k=20.

Output: A set of predicted complexes R.

1 While (\(\exists v \in \mathcal {S}\) and d v ≥3)

2 Estimate \(\hat {p} \approx p(\alpha, v)\).

3 Sort nodes in V based on \(\hat {p}\) and collect the top k nodes in H v .

4 Finding the lowest-conductance set \(H_{v}^{*}\in H_{v}\) based on (10).

5 Identifying the node set \(C_{v}^{*}\) of the densest subnetwork in \(H_{v}^{*}\) based on (12).

6 Considering \(C_{v}^{*}\) as one predicted complex, let \(R=\{R, C_{v}^{*}\}\) and\(\mathcal {S} = \mathcal {S} - v\).

7 EndWhile

8 Remove duplicated complexes and complexes with size smaller than three in R.