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Fig. 4 | BMC Systems Biology

Fig. 4

From: An Integrative multi-lineage model of variation in leukopoiesis and acute myelogenous leukemia

Fig. 4

Uni-lineage pair-wise parameter constraints with separatrix method. Five pair-wise parameter relationships from the unilineage models emerged between self-renewal probability and mitosis rate (a-c, e) and the michaelis-menten constant for neutrophils (d). For all subfigures, the legend is the same. Gray dots that cover the majority of the background represent all equilibrium solutions that were sampled, but did not meet the final acceptable dynamic values and were zero-equilibrium solutions. Solutions that did not meet the other acceptability criteria are shown with red ‘x’s. Blue triangles represent acceptable parameter sets. We defined a separatrix, which is outlined with a dashed black box that represents the limits of the range of the acceptable parameter space. The dashed green lines show the corners of the separatrix that were removed

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