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Fig. 7 | BMC Systems Biology

Fig. 7

From: An Integrative multi-lineage model of variation in leukopoiesis and acute myelogenous leukemia

Fig. 7

Representative parameter sets. The 22,796 parameter set dynamics of (a) normalized stem cell concentration at 30 days after the start of chemotherapy (x-axis) versus the normalized monocyte concentration in the peripheral blood at 42 days after the start of chemotherapy and (b) normalized neutrophil concentration in the peripheral blood at 18 days after the start of chemotherapy (x-axis) versus the normalized lymphocyte concentration in the peripheral blood at 30 days after the start of chemotherapy are shown with ‘*’, color-coded according to cluster. The time points plotted were chosen to demonstrate the clustering at times of maximum variation in the dynamics of the particular cell states. The thirteen clusters are each represented with distinct colors, and the centroids of each cluster are shown with a black-outlined circle. To demonstrate the differences in the dynamics of the representatives, the response of (c) stem cells, (d) neutrophils in the peripheral blood, (e) lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, and (f) monocytes in the peripheral blood to chemotherapy from day -7 to day 0 are shown normalized to the maximum value of each simulation. Again, each distinct color represents a different cluster centroid, or representative patient, and these colors correspond to the same clusters as in Figures 7 a and b

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