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Fig. 2 | BMC Systems Biology

Fig. 2

From: Estimating drivers of cell state transitions using gene regulatory network models

Fig. 2

MONSTER analysis results in the ECLIPSE study. a Heatmap depicting the transition matrix calculated for smoker controls “transitioning” to COPD by applying MONSTER to ECLIPSE gene expression data. For the purposes of visualization, the magnitude of the diagonal is set to zero. b A network visualization of the 100 largest transitions identified based on the transition matrix in (a). Arrows indicate a change in edges from a transcription factor in the Smoker-Control network to resemble those of a transcription factor in the COPD network. Edge thickness represents the magnitude of the transition and node (TFs) sizes represent the dTFI for that TF. Blue edges represent a gain of targeting features and red represents the loss. c The dTFI score from MONSTER (red) and the background null distribution of dTFI values (blue) as estimated by 400 random sample permutations of the data

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