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Table 1 Terms and Notations

From: GNE: a deep learning framework for gene network inference by aggregating biological information




Total number of genes in gene network


Number of expression values for each gene

N i

Set of the neighbor genes of gene vi

\(\textbf {v}_{i}^{(s)}\)

Topological representation of gene vi

\(\textbf {v}_{i}^{(a)}\)

Attribute representation of gene vi

\(\widetilde {\textbf {v}}_{i}\)

Neighborhood representation of gene vi

v i

Concatenated representation of topological properties and expression data


Number of hidden layers to transform concatenated representation into embedding space

h ( k)

Output of kth hidden layer

W k

Weight matrix for kth hidden layer

W id

Weight matrix for topological structure embedding

W att

Weight matrix for attribute embedding

W out

Weight matrix for output layer