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Figure 2 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 2

From: A search engine to identify pathway genes from expression data on multiple organisms

Figure 2

Performance of the search engine using data from separate organisms. A. Random control pathways were scored by the GeneRecommender in all six organisms, and the coexpression score was computed from the search orderings as the sum of the precision at the 50% recall rate across all six organisms. B. Precision scores of the top-scoring pathways from the GenMAPP database. Each bar corresponds to a single pathway. Colored segments indicate the precision at the 50% recall rate for each organism. The height of each bar corresponds to the pathway's coexpression score. Asterisks indicate names that were modified to fit on the plot: Ribosome, Cytoplasmic Ribosomal Proteins; Glycolysis, Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis; Electron Transport, Electron Transport Chain; Proteasome, Proteasome Degradation; Fatty Acid Deg, Fatty Acid Degradation; Cholesterol, Cholesterol Biosynthesis.

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