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Table 7 Central metabolism equations.

From: Long-term prediction of fish growth under varying ambient temperature using a multiscale dynamic model

State space equations


= h2 + h3 - h1- h4

= h10 - h11

= h1 - h5

= h11 + h12 - h13 - h3

= h5 + h7 - h6- h8

= h13 + h4 - h12 - h5

= h6 - h7 - h9

= h15 - h2

= h9 - h10

= h8 - h15

Network functions


h1 = Updhkr 1[pyr]·[NAD+]

h9 = Uketokr 9[iso]·[ATP]

h2 = kr 2[mal cyt ]·[NADP+]

h10 = k tca [keto]·[NAD+]

h3 = Umalkr 3[mal]·[NAD+]

h11 = k citr [suc]

h4 = Uoxalkr 4[pyr]·[ATP]

h12 = Umalkmal [oxal]·[NADH]

h5 = k tca [AcCoA]·[oxal]

h13 = koxal [mal]·[NAD+]

h6 = k citr [cit]

h14 = Uoxalkr 1[pyr]·[ATP]

h7 = k iso [iso]

h15 = kr 2[oxal cyt ]·[NADH]

h8 = k cyt [cit]·[ATP]

  1. State variables r(t), state space equations of intermediate metabolism (TCA cycle) and the reactions h i