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Figure 7 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 7

From: Defining the antigen receptor-dependent regulatory network that induces arrest of cycling immature B-lymphocytes

Figure 7

Defining the core regulatory axis and modeling the role of system homeostasis. The molecular interaction map that we derived by combining our experimental data with known literature on BCR signaling is shown in panel A (see text for details). The novel feedback regulation of SHP-1 mediated by p38 that we identified is depicted by red edges. The turquoise nodes represent the seven TFs identified by TF array, and the red nodes are the early induced genes specific to CH1 cells. The signaling intermediates are denoted in green nodes and edge label denote either phosphorylation (pp) or dephosphorylation (dp) regulation. The cascade is classified into signal initiation and propagation sub groups for better understanding. Panel B shows different concentrations of the phopho-Lyn and Syk for different basal values of L p i., e., L p *. For the straight line d1 = 0.25 and for the dotted line d1 = 1.1, with other parameter values given in the Table 1. Panel C shows the relation between L p * and the peak value of the concentration of L p after stimulation is shown in panel C. Here we vary d1 from 0.23 to 1.2 in the reverse order, with other parameter values as in the Table 1. Panel D shows relation between L p * and the peak value of the concentration of S p (after stimulation) by varying d1 for different values of k3 (from 0.001 to 0.01), with other parameter values as in the Table 1. Panel E shows relation between L p * and the peak value of the concentration of S p (after stimulation) by varying d1 for different values of d2 (from 0.1 to 0.8), with other parameter values as in the Table 1.

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