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Figure 1 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 1

From: Inferring transcriptional gene regulation network of starch metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves using graphical Gaussian model

Figure 1

Thirty clusters of 1,480 significant genes using k-means clustering (k = 30). The number of gene members is shown at the top left of each cluster. The clusters where starch genes are present are indicated by red boxes. Four groups of 30 clusters were categorized by their expression patterns affected on light. (A) Tightly dark-positively and light-negatively regulated genes: the clusters of genes induced in the dark and repressed in the light periods. (B) Tightly dark-negatively and light-positively regulated genes: the clusters of genes repressed in the dark and induced in the light periods. (C) Light-positively regulated genes: the cluster of genes whose expressions are constant but the levels are elevated at dark to light phase transition. (D) Light-negatively regulated genes: the cluster of genes whose expressions are constant but the levels decline at dark to light phase transition. The black and white bar on the top of the figure corresponds to the dark and light period.

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