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Figure 6 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 6

From: Modeling miRNA-mRNA interactions: fitting chemical kinetics equations to microarray data

Figure 6

Histogram of re-estimated parameters for a TD model. a) the histogram of re-estimated parameter β, degradation rate of Sox2, the originally estimated β value of the model is below the graph. b) the histogram of re-estimated parameter κ, transcription rate of Sox2, the originally estimated κ value of the model is below the graph. c) the histogram of re-estimated parameter v, reaction rate of Sox2 and mmu-mir-21, the originally estimated v value of the model is below the graph. d) the histogram of re-estimated parameter μ 1, reaction constant of Sox2 and Oct4, the originally estimated μ 1 value of the model is below the graph. e) the histogram of re-estimated parameter μ 2, reaction constant of Sox2 and Nanog, the originally estimated μ 2 value of the model is below the graph. f) the histogram of re-estimated parameter S 1,S 2, number of binding sites of Oct4 and Nanog on Sox2 respectively, the originally estimated S 1 and S 2 value of the model is below the graph.

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