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Figure 5 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 5

From: Comparative analysis of the transcription-factor gene regulatory networks of E. coli and S. cerevisiae

Figure 5

Topological properties and level of co-regulation interaction. Plots of the (a) clustering coefficient (C), (b) efficiency (E) and (c) cost (σ) against the minimum number of common regulated genes (g S ) required to draw a link between to nodes in the TF-projected network. We observe that for g S equal to one and for the two species, a higher value is assigned to C, E and σ of randomized networks in comparison with the original TF's networks. However, while for E. coli network C, E and σ show a decreasing behavior as g S increases, these quantities in the randomized version show a faster decay, such that for g S > 2, they become smaller than the corresponding values of the original networks. For random projected networks, we show mean values ± standard error from 102 independent realizations.

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