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Table 2 Protein metabolism - equations.

From: Long-term prediction of fish growth under varying ambient temperature using a multiscale dynamic model

State variables


a(t) = (a a , a p , a b , p a )T


a a = amino acids in the free AA pool


a p = amino acids channeled to protein synthesis


a b = amino acids channeled to catabolism


p a = tissue protein given by its amino acid composition


u aa = 20 amino acids that are recieved from the feed (input variable)


State equations


= -k aa a a - U ps k p a a + u aa

k aa = 1/s

= U ps k p a a - v s (t)a p + f p v d (t)p a

k p = 1/s

= k aa a a + f t v d (t)p a - ab, cat


= v s (t)a p - v d (t)p a

  1. State vector a(t) and equations for the protein metabolism submodel illustrated in Figure 9.