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Figure 5 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 5

From: When the human viral infectome and diseasome networks collide: towards a systems biology platform for the aetiology of human diseases

Figure 5

The Hepatitis C Virus Infectome Diseasome Network. a. The Hepatitis C Virus Infectome-Diseasome Network. The network is represented as a multi-coloured graph with three types of node: viral proteins (red circle), host cellular proteins (blue circle) and diseases (black circles). Virus-host protein-protein interactions and disease-gene associations are respectively represented by red and black edges. b. Hierarchical clustering of Hepatitis C Virus proteins according to their connectivity to human diseases. The closeness index, i.e. the reciprocal of the average distance between viral proteins and diseases were computed within neighbourhood-based HIDN, was used as a distance metric for unsupervised hierarchical clustering. c. HIDN connectivity of HCV proteins and main HCV-associated diseases: Hepatocellular carcinoma (left) and Cirrhosis (right).

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