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Archived Comments for: STI-GMaS: an open-source environment for simulation of sexually-transmitted infections

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  1. Clarify that in a cited reference no animal data were used

    Sereina Herzog, Medical University of Graz

    23 September 2014

    I find your article and the provided simulation environment very interesting. I just would like to clarify that your citation of the reference 5 is incorrect "While some authors have sought to integrate mathematical models with data from animal experiments [2-5],...". In the model presented by me and my colleagues we didn't use data from animal experiments. We used data from a published randomised controlled trial (POPI trial) which recruited women in the UK. We only refer to animal experiments to discuss the plausibility of the three investigated hypothetical progression types from chlamydia trachomatis infection to pelvic inflammatory disease.

    Competing interests

    None competing interests.
