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Figure 1 | BMC Systems Biology

Figure 1

From: A depth-first search algorithm to compute elementary flux modes by linear programming

Figure 1

A worked toy network showing enumeration of EFMs. (A) Toy network with 14 reactions, 8 internal metabolites, and DoF of 6. (B) The network has 9 EFMs, sequentially enumerated from left to right by the depth-first search algorithm. Shaded zeros are the leading DoF-1 IFF for the EFMs. The arrow between a pair of EFM columns (i and i + 1) denotes the conversion of EFM i ’s most terminal IFF to FAF before EFM i+1 can be found. The set of IFF is unique for each EFM when only the leading reactions are chosen as pivot rows (see also Additional file 1). (C) A list of the sequence of IFF and FAF produced when searching from EFM 3 to EFM 4, and from EFM 7 to EFM 8. Indices of the IFF and FAF are shown. Full arrow indicates forward-tracking; dotted arrow indicates backtracking. Reaction indices in bold indicate successful conversion of a terminal IFF to FAF.

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