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Fig. 1 | BMC Systems Biology

Fig. 1

From: The game theory of Candida albicans colonization dynamics reveals host status-responsive gene expression

Fig. 1

Model simulations of C. albicans population dynamics follow experimental results. Panel a: Payoffs for C. albicans (black letters or pictures) and host cells (grey letters) as a result of their interactions are illustrated in the table. For each combination of fungal and host cell strategies, there is a payoff to the fungal cell (shown as a picture) and a payoff to the host cell (not depicted). Panels b and c: The fraction of low-EFG1 cells is plotted as a function of time of fecal pellet collection. Averaged experimental data are shown as symbols connected by dotted lines. Open circles, BALB/c nu/nu mice; closed triangles, n-BALB/c mice; closed circles, Ca-educated BALB/c mice. Simulations generated with the model are shown in bolded lines. Orange, BALB/c nu/nu mice; blue, n-BALB/c mice; green, Ca-educated BALB/c mice. Panel b: Competition between Δefg1 null mutant and ACT1pr-EFG1 strains of C. albicans. Values for parameters (in arbitrary units) were as follows: for the hosts π(a,l) = 1.75, π(b,l) = 0.00071, π(a,h) = 9.25, π(b,h) = 0.0063, and for fungi π(l,a) = 0.12, π(l,b) = 3.33, π(h,a) = 1.34, π(h,b) = 0.0067. Panel c: Competition between Δefg1 null mutant and WT C. albicans strains. Values for parameters were: for the hosts π(a,l) = 1.75, π(b,l) = 0.00071, π(a,h) = 0.086, π(b,h) = 0.12, and for fungi π(l,a) = 0.12, π(l,b) = 3.33, π(h,a) = 1.47, π(h,b) = 2.91; ε Ca-educated = 2.57 x 10−5, ε n-BALB/c = 2.86 x 10−1, ε nu/nu  = 9.65 x 10−1. Panel d: Using the data from individual mice, values for ε (in arbitrary units) were extracted. Each symbol indicates the average value of ε for colonization of an individual mouse. Ca-educated BALB/c mice (black circles); n-BALB/c mice (grey triangles); BALB/c nu/nu mice (open diamonds); Ca-educated BALB/c nu/nu mice (grey diamonds). *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01

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