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Table 7 Variables and notations used in simulations

From: The use of genome-scale metabolic network reconstruction to predict fluxes and equilibrium composition of N-fixing versus C-fixing cells in a diazotrophic cyanobacterium, Trichodesmium erythraeum





α: allocation coefficient

‘: uncorrected value

\( \mathcal{C} \): consumers

γ: consumer of glycogen/consumer cell in allocation

C: concentration

0: initial

\( \mathcal{P} \): producers

c: producer of glycogen

f: fraction of cell type

γ: consumed metabolite for photoautotroph

\( \mathcal{S} \): seawater nutrients

i: species

\( \widehat{\mu} \): maximum growth rate

c: produced metabolite for photoautotroph


μ: consumer of ammonium

μ: growth rate

chIL: nitrogenase


n: producer of ammonium

ν: flux

cons: consumer


Ï€: producer cell in allocation

N: number of steps

δ: differentiation pool


σ: portion control for allocation

DZ: diazotroph


S: stoichiometric matrix

f: final


t: time

m: metabolite


X: biomass

n: step


Y N → Env : fraction of nitrogen released to the environment

PA: photoautotroph


prod: producer


PSI/II: Photosystem I/II


T: total
