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Table 2 Clinical Report Proofs on the Discoveries about Obesity and Other Diseases (Adapted with permission from [45])

From: A hotspots analysis-relation discovery representation model for revealing diabetes mellitus and obesity



Clinical Report


Obese adults are more ikely to have depression, anxiety and other mental health.

The State of Obesity 2016 [19]



Being overweight or obese can put children at a higher risk for health problems such as heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer, asthma and osteoarthritis — during childhood and as they age.

Heart disease


Liver disease

Up to 25% of adults have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NFLD), which can lead to liver damage (cirrhosis) or the need for transplants.

  1. The "bold" words are the match information in clinical report