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Table 1 Protein complexes with essential functions are not enriched for subunits with over-expression phenotypes.

From: A simple principle concerning the robustness of protein complex activity to changes in gene expression


Percentage genes with over-expression phenotype (total number of genes)


All protein complex subunits

16% (943)


Complex with no essential subunits

18% (255)


Complex with at least one essential subunit

15% (688)


Complex with >= 25% essential subunits

16% (447)


Complex with >= 50% essential subunits

15% (371)


Essential subunits of protein complex

14% (342)


  1. a Significance of difference between the subunits of protein complexes with any, >= 25% or >= 50% essential subunits and the subunits of other complexes (Chi square test, 1 dof).
  2. b Significance of difference between essential and non-essential subunits of protein complexes (Chi square test, 1 dof).