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  1. The study of synchronization among genetic oscillators is essential for the understanding of the rhythmic phenomena of living organisms at both molecular and cellular levels. Genetic networks are intrinsically...

    Authors: Chunguang Li, Luonan Chen and Kazuyuki Aihara
    Citation: BMC Systems Biology 2007 1:6
  2. Genome-wide mutant strain collections have increased demand for high throughput cellular phenotyping (HTCP). For example, investigators use HTCP to investigate interactions between gene deletion mutations and ...

    Authors: Najaf A Shah, Richard J Laws, Bradley Wardman, Lue Ping Zhao and John L Hartman IV
    Citation: BMC Systems Biology 2007 1:3
  3. Localized network patterns are assumed to represent an optimal design principle in different biological networks. A widely used method for identifying functional components in biological networks is looking fo...

    Authors: Ofer Meshi, Tomer Shlomi and Eytan Ruppin
    Citation: BMC Systems Biology 2007 1:1